10 random things about me

Waterfalls are one of my favourite things - visiting one is usually my gift to me every year on my birthday. This is Canim Lake Falls, one of 41 named falls located in Wells Gray Park in British Columbia. My favourite thing is to work my way around to the top of the falls and dangle my feet in the water while listening to the power of the water crashing to the ground below.
Most of the photos on the blog are taken with my cell phone. I now have a digital camera and am taking a course to learn how to take amazing photos (that is the hope anyway!)
I love to garden. I do NOT have a green thumb and routinely kill any house plants left in my care. I do better with green things that grow outside for some reason. At least until the deer gobble them up.
Red Smarties are the best in my opinion.
I love frogs. They have such a neat appearance and they are so cool! One way to tell the health of an ecosystem is to look at the frog populations. I am not quite ready to embrace the gray. Are you?
I played the French Horn in our 100+ county band for six years. It was work but in the end I benefited from it in so many ways. We toured most of Canada from Grade 7-12.
I am incredibly near-sighted without my glasses these days. When did I reach the stage where I need to take photos of the teeny tiny text on packaging so I can enlarge and read it on my phone???
This year I learned how to make perogies from scratch and how to bake hamburger and hotdog buns. I also figured out how to cook a hot dog in the microwave that winds up tasting like it was done on the grill.
It took me until I turned 60 to discover I love football.
I am not an extreme hot weather person but wound up moving to an area which is routinely the hot spot in Canada.

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